Just few days ago, I had a hiking/photo trip through the moongate to 'no.84' and then walked down to the Penang Botanical Garden. This is actually part of the preparation for Gunung Kinabalu Hike. The whole hiking took about 6 hours + stopping for photograph and some snack. I went with Mr. Ang who is also a member of Water Watch Penang as well as nature lover and an avid photographer. He taught me some techniques on using the DSLR. Most of the pics are macro photos. Though my lens are not as good as Mr. Ang's lens, I managed to captured some nice shots of the nature.
Many thanx to Mr. Ang for his guidance as well as supporting some flash for the pics. His eyes are very sharp that he can notice those small insects the size of our little finger. keng leh Here are some of the photos I have captured with my new D60. Mind that I have resized the photos for experiment purposes.
This cengkerik is actually very small
Comparison of two termites and a granite stone
An injured ants trying to climb up..poor thing.
A very small spidey hiding in the shadows. (the size of your little finger)
Another small spidey, the size of your finger as well
Some of the small mushrooms I've found. Cropped and framed.
I think this is Ling Zhi...
Bracket Mushroom
Red mushroomA parasite..actually it's planted by UKM researcher..it's root is parasitic while it spreaded its fruits to grow further.
The size of this frog..guess?? The size of your little finger
A very small flower..looks can be deceiving..it's not big at all
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